fredag 15 januari 2010


today was the last day at work, gonna miss the coworker most of all. my avail today wasn't the best I guess, paused to get time to talk. My missing parts case, I'm sorry I didn't have the time to do them xD And Beautiful Sandra visited me to yay
Now me and my better half watching analyze some more ? think it named so anyway, donno. And you know what, people in movie never seen movie. what's up with that xD
And after the movie it's bedtime for me. Not really 100% well yet, still a little bit sickness. Fever.

tomorrow and sunday we gonnna do some cleaning at home, and visit dollarstore and do som pre-wedding-checkup, mostly about the decorations :) and call about place to be :)
Loooking forward :D

Love you people :*:*

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