måndag 15 februari 2010

To the love of my life - Things I love about you

The way you hold my hand in yours. Your smile. How you sleep close,close next to me. When you brush my hair. How you can call just to say you love me. Your sexy ass. Your laughter. The way your sexy ass look in jeans. When you sing. Your sweet little kisses. How you can go to the store in the middle of the night just because I want candy. How you can go to the store two times a day just because I forgot something. That you make me treo when it feels like my head is just about to explode. That yo get my pillow for me when I'm tired. The way you kiss my forehead to see if I have fever when I don't feel good. How you survived me watching all episodes of Buffy the Vampire slayer. How you like to watch Bones with me, and how you remember it so you can make jokes about things they do. How you make our family grow with animals. The way you tell storys about things happening on your work. When you do baconmess for me. That you remember I want salad to pizza. That you watching girlmovies with me and don't force me to see horrormovies with you. The way you getting to now my friends and that you like them. The way you are willing to move to my hometown with me if we get a job there. That you always say I'm cute even do we both realize that when I haven't washed my hair for five days I look half past dead. The way you stand my bad morning temper. The way you falled for me when you only had seen one pic. The way you look at me. Your kisses. How you traying to look angry bur really isn't. The proposal. When you buy me flowers. the way you let me pick dinner. How you give me the remote control. The way you dry my tears when I'm sad. Or when we watch sad movies. Or even when we watch kidsmovies. The way you tell me to find a job I like. That you go to your job everyday and work your ass of for that stupid company and get minimumwages just to support our family. The way you never say No to something you know is importent for me. That you are proud to be with me. That you take down music for me even do you think most of it is just crap. That you wanan build a family with me. That you wanna be with me forever. The way you love me.

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