torsdag 4 februari 2016

time fro a new "30 day challange"

yeah totally is, has been way to long since the last one xD
And yeah, frankly i have been so fucking lazy but you know, you get to buy new clothes as rewards :P

First day of 30 day challenge
40 high knees
20mountain climbers
10 dumbbell bench press
2 judo push up
5 dumbbell flyes
2 spiderman push up
4 cat and cow
5 pilates roll up
1 locust
10 sec wall sit
5 reverse flyes
10 bridge pullover
2 renegade rows
10 sec superman
5 lunges
10 dumbbell deadlift
2 kickbacks
10 bridge pulses
5 push ups
5 dips
10 biceps curls
10 sec punches
20 sec jumping jack
20 sec mountain climbers
20 sec jumrope
20 sec skaters
5 lateral lunges
10 scissors
5 fire hydrants
5 plie squat pulses
5 woodchoppers
5 side plank
10 ankle touches
10 russian twist
10 upright rows
5 side lateral raise
10 shoulder press
5 shoulder rotation
15 sit ups
5 crunches
5 leg raises
10 sec plank

this is for cardio, chest, posture, back, butt, arm, thigh, oblique, shoulders and abs.
which explains why somethings are twice.
i  will not tell you my syartingpoint but in 30 days i hope i feel comfterable enough to share my finish line with you.
Not gonna write the whole list everyday, just once in a while so you can see how it grows with reps :P

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