lördag 9 januari 2016


Ohh I'm bad at this but okay let's give it a try. 2016 here we try.
People who follow me on Facebook and Instagram see the difference in me - and ofc people who knows me do.
First of I smile a lot more, like very much a lot more! 
I upload pictures of my house, my beautiful and well decorated and very clean house. I love it. Phoenix and I love it. We are very happy! So very happy and I think it shows. 
Living alone has been very eye opening and my soul feel relaxed and at peace.

Also I found someone, someone special. So yes, I guess you can say I have been started to date.. Or what I'm suppose to call it xD he is amazing and I really really like him, like a lot. He has such a pretty soul. It's kinda still little of a secret, but yeah, on the other side my boss says you don't get a rerun on life. So I gonna do it. 
He makes me very happy.

Other than that I work. Phoenix and work. It's going pretty good. I like my work. Taking a study break cos Phoenix is most important. He needs to land in all of this. 

My parents been really big help with moving and going to pick up furnitures I bought xD very supportive. 

I didn't make any New Years resolution beacuse I am good enough the way I am, I'm just gonna be more true to myself, not giving people more chances than they deserve when I know they are not gonna keep their promises. I gonna keep people around me that makes me happy. 

That's it for this time I think.

(Phoenix, mommy loves you) 

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